Our thinking

We help our clients make sense of the system and deliver positive change.

We’re curious, practical and generous with our insights.

The missing middle in social services

In Victoria’s health system, there are general practitioners to care for minor issues and tertiary hospitals for complex healthcare, but there are few services available in the middle to prevent issues like chronic illnesses or obesity.

Kia Kaha

Posted by Our team at Cube Group were saddened to hear of the horrific act of terrorism against our New Zealand neighbours at the Al Noor Mosque and Linwood Mosque

Walking together: A commitment to do better

Attending cultural awareness training is common practice across Government and the private sector, but what can we take away from it? At Cube, we asked ourselves this question after a

An open letter in support of marriage equality

Cube Group is committed to delivering public value in the Australian community. At the heart of our work are the public value outcomes of equality and fairness; connectedness and inclusion;

Public value in the disrupted city

Posted by The emergence of disruptive technologies and business models is exciting for consumers, but it doesn’t diminish the responsibility of public value organisations to articulate and work for the

Where did all the knowledge go?

Two key generational factors are acting on today’s workforce that heighten the importance of developing and transferring in-house expertise and knowledge: Baby-boomers, who often hold key senior positions, have a