Adventurous strategic planning for Scouts Victoria
Together for good – the client challenge
The Scouting movement makes an iconic and valuable contribution to the education of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual potentials.
More than 20,000 young people and 400 Scout Groups make up Victoria’s Scouting movement, alongside more than 40 million young people around the world. Scouting programs are being designed and delivered in a changing world. Volunteering patterns are shifting, local communities are becoming increasingly diverse, the digital economy is evolving at a rapid rate, and education and adventure choices for young people are expanding.
Scouts Victoria engaged Cube Group to analyse the organisation’s external and internal environment and create an exciting strategic framework to continue to create a better world through Scouting.
Bringing the right thinking and people to the table
We designed an integrated series of on-site and digital workshops with the Scouts Victoria leadership team, stakeholders and key critical friends.
Our sessions explored the changing shape of the Victorian community and the unique identity and positioning of Scouts Victoria in an increasingly competitive youth education and development ecosystem.
We undertook an extensive SWOT analysis and ensured our thinking considered the nuances of Australia’s federated scouting model and the specific context of youth education and development in Victoria.
Our work came together into a strategic framework for Scouts Victoria that sets an exciting roadmap for the next 5 years. It includes a bold voice for today’s scouting, innovative models of youth education, creative organisational partnerships, unlocking the potential of facilities and technology and expanding Scouting’s community impact in all corners of the State.
The framework applies our Head-Hands-Heart Model, ensuring Scouts Victoria’s internal and external stakeholders feel intellectually and emotionally connected to the organisation’s future, and motivated to be part of it.
The positive change we delivered
Our work stitched together together a tapestry of external and internal drivers into one cohesive organisational narrative. Leaders of the Victorian scouting movement are strongly positioned to win support from key stakeholders, attract and retain volunteers, explore new programs and partnerships, and make a bigger difference for our youth.
Insights for inquisitive minds
When working with organisations who are part of a federated model, being clear on organisational thresholds is important to ensure strategic thinking can be free an unconstrained
Iconic organisations such as Scouts Victoria have a rich and storied history. Strategy needs to strike a balance between deep respect for the past with re-imagination of a new future
We conducted sessions on site at a Victorian Scouting Hall, which created an immersive experience and strong connection to the organisation’s physical setting and operational culture.