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When I was approached earlier this year to assist with “organising” Cube’s new “From all sides” podcast, I had no idea what was actually being asked of me; which was to become the resident expert on all things podcast and take on the role of producer.
With zero knowledge, zero budget and a can-do attitude I unwittingly said yes to what would prove to be much more than I bargained for. The first scheduled guest was due to record in a week, and I quickly realised that no one, including myself had any idea about how to get the would be “Zoom recording” to something you could listen to on your iPhone whilst out walking the dog.
Slight panic setting in, I began to deep dive, beginning with a search of “How to start a podcast” because, let’s face it, how else do you start? I read blog posts, watched YouTube videos, I even listened to a podcast on podcasts. I learned what an RSS feed was, researched hosting sites and found a decent FREE sound editing tool and hey presto! I am a podcast producer.
I am not a world class by any stretch, but I have learned you don’t need to be an expert to start a podcast. In fact, there are very few barriers to entry, with free recording platforms, and most hosting sites offering free trials, if you have a computer and the internet – you too can start a podcast.
Although I would strongly recommend giving yourself longer than a week to prepare.
Which brings me to my top 3 tips.
Done is better than perfect – Listener relationships are built by regular and consistent interaction, even if you are not 100% on your editing it is better to have it published on time than deliver late.
Speaking of editing, it takes longer than you think – Give yourself time, even if you have the most eloquent speakers it takes time to edit out those awkward pauses, little clicks and pops that come with recording.
Remember the basics – Never underestimate the importance of good housekeeping, ask your speakers to put their headphones on, turn notifications off and kick the cat out of the room. Trust me, it will save you a lot of time in the long run.
Five months on and six podcasts in, this has been a steep learning curve but thankfully there are plenty of resources out there to help. Would I do it again? Absolutely, it is not often that you get the opportunity to learn something completely new and watch what you have created come to fruition so quickly. Despite the many challenges it has been an incredibly rewarding experience.