Encouraging bold direction toward a sustainable future: Sacred Heart Mission Strategy 2030

Strategy 2030 encapsulates the deep insight and passion of the organisation, provided by a critical friendship with Cube Group.

Together for good – the client challenge

Sacred Heart Mission (SHM) is a Victorian not-for-profit organisation with a 40-year history of assisting people experiencing deep disadvantage, social exclusion and homelessness.

Following successful implementation of a ten-year strategy, SHM sought a partner to work hand-in-hand with its new CEO and a core strategy team to develop a new strategic plan: Strategy 2030. SHM needed a trusted partner who could:

1. Build their internal capabilities by mentoring and guiding their team in delivering key components of the process, and

2. Play the role of a ‘critical friend’ to SHM leadership, ensuring their thinking was bold and ambitious.

Bringing the right thinking and people to the table

Cube partnered with SHM to design and deliver a robust strategic planning process, underpinned by extensive internal and external engagement.

We brought our expertise in strategic planning and project management to support SHM’s core team with tools, templates, coaching and guidance to build their capability and supported them to confidently lead key components of the planning process.

Cube skilfully designed and facilitated 3 Board and Executive Leadership Team workshops to elicit knowledge and perspectives within the team. In these sessions, we unpacked strategic opportunities and challenges, explored divergent views on key strategic choices, and ultimately helped the leadership group to reach a shared view on SHM’s future strategic ambition and priorities. We also guided the SHM team through the design and delivery of a robust internal engagement program and partner and stakeholder engagements, which informed leadership discussions.

The positive change we delivered

Strategy 2030 perfectly encapsulates the deep insight and passion of the organisation and the bold and ambitious direction, provided by a critical friendship with Cube Group.

The plan was shaped by the views and voices of the SHM leadership, staff, volunteers, consumers and partners. The Strategic Plan integrates the values and perspectives of all stakeholders involved in SHM’s development, placing people and consumer voice at the forefront of decision-making. It will serve as a guiding compass for SHM to continue their work of building a fairer and more inclusive society for more people and more communities.

Insights for inquisitive minds

  • Everybody needs a friend. Organisation leaders have deep knowledge about and passion for their sectors. A trusted external partner acting as a ‘critical friend’ can supplement that expertise with an outside perspective, allowing leadership teams to question what’s possible and be bold and ambitious in their goal-setting.

  • Workshop design can make or break a project. Thoughtful engagement can highlight strategic opportunities and organisational accord as well as potential challenges and divergent views. A workshop that elicits the full spectrum of perspectives leads to a strategy that addresses them all.

  • Building internal capability is key. Providing organisations with the tools, templates, coaching and guidance they need for the long-run supports them to confidently lead once our part is complete.

Learn more about the Sacred Heart Mission Strategy 2030 here.

People behind this project

What our client said

A genuine partnership approach with Cube led to the finalisation of an exciting new strategy. The team truly understood our business and the unique challenges and opportunities within our sector. As a trusted partner, Cube guided us through the planning process, enhancing our strategic capabilities and providing valuable feedback that paved the way for a future-ready strategy.