Sustainable, Connected and Resilient Environments and Communities

Re-imagining the transport and land-use ecosystem; shaping a renewable future for water, energy and waste management; and strengthening resilience across all stages of emergency management and recovery.

A balancing act

COVID-19 has highlighted the inextricable connection between our environment, communities and public health and wellbeing.  Stewardship of our natural and built environment, and resilience to the impacts of emergencies and disasters, is shared by communities, governments, industry groups and individuals. 

Our work on environmental management, transport, planning and infrastructure and emergency management recognises those connections and tensions, the need to create ownership and generate support for positive change, and the importance of community-led recovery.  

Thinking partners

At Cube Group, we work closely with our clients to balance economic growth and prosperity with a sustainable future. Our work has included broad considerations such as circular economy improvements and a focus on specific initiatives such as the container deposit scheme.

We bring extensive environment, water and planning experience to drive sustainable outcomes. We draw on broad transport and infrastructure experience to improve connectivity. And we bring diverse emergency management experience to support community, business and organisational resilience across prevention, planning, response and recovery.

Some of our projects
  • Facilitation of industry and public sector workshops for the Circular Economy Business Innovation Centre
  • State-wide engagement to inform Victoria’s kerbside reforms, Circular Economy Policy and Container Deposit Scheme for the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)
  • Community engagement and partnerships framework for Victoria’s Catchment Management Authorities 
  • Integrated catchment management and integrated water management policy and engagement for DELWP
  • Strategic plan and organisational design support for the Victorian Planning Authority 
  • Community-led recovery framework for Bushfire Recovery Victoria
  • Active Transport business case and 10-year Strategic Plan for Walking in Victoria for the Department of Transport 
  • Review of Norfolk Island’s emergency management arrangements for the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communication 
  • Emergency Response Protocol for a national not-for-profit 
For more information on Sustainable, Connected and Resilient Environments and Communities